
What does my name mean?

  Neusa/Neuza from the United States and the United Kingdom, the name Neuza is of Portuguese origin and means "Goddess of beauty". According to a user from South Africa, the name Neuza means "Pure and beautiful like a goddess 'goddess of beauty'". from New Jersey, U.S., the name Neuza is of Portuguese origin and means "Brazilian and Portuguese babygirl name very feminine; means goddess of beauty, lust, and love". A submission from the United Kingdom says the name Neuza means "Goddess of dragons" and is of Portuguese origin.A user from the United Kingdom says the name Neuza means "Queen of the dragons". According to a user from Brazil, the name Neuza is of Greek origin and means "Greek Neousa came from the verb neo, that means 'swim'". A submission from Germany says the name Neuza means "Reliability, shepherd" and is of Portuguese origin. EncarnaƧao (Incarnation) Incarnation literally means becoming fl...

J-M304 (Transcaucasian origin) is defined by the M304 genetic marker

  J-M304 (Transcaucasian origin) is defined by the M304 genetic marker Origins Haplogroup J-M304 is believed to have split from the   haplogroup I-M170   roughly 43,000 years ago in Western Asia,   as both lineages are   haplogroup IJ   subclades . Haplogroup IJ and haplogroup K derive from   haplogroup IJK , and only at this level of classification does haplogroup IJK join with   Haplogroup G-M201   and   Haplogroup H   as immediate descendants of   Haplogroup F-M89 . J-M304 (Transcaucasian origin) is defined by the M304 genetic marker, or the equivalent 12f2.1 marker. The main current subgroups J-M267 (Armenia highlands origin) and J-M172 (Zagros mountains origin), which now comprise between them almost all of the haplogroup's descendant lineages, are both believed to have arisen very early, at least 10,000 years ago. Nonetheless, Y-chromosomes F-M89* and IJ-M429* were reported to have been observed in the Iranian platea...

House of Lippe Detmold Bernhard I (1123)

    R1b1a1b1a1a2b - Sicily Buffa Early Bronze Age      (I11442) Archaeological Identifier: I11442 mtDNA: K1a3a Y-DNA: R1b1a1b1a1a2b (L343)  ISOGG 2019 Royal haplogroup:  R1b1a1b1a1a2 - MATCH! Subclade distance: 1 House of Lippe Detmold Bernhard I (1123) Royal haplogroup:  R1b1a1b1a1a2 - MATCH! Subclade distance: 1 Clan Armstrong Lowland Scottish Clan Armstrong Neil Armstrong Royal haplogroup:  R1b1a1b1a1a2b 1 MATCH! Subclade distance: 1 House of Audley Henry de Aldithley (1175-1246) Royal haplogroup:  R1b1a1b1a1a2b 1 MATCH! Subclade distance: 1 Austrian Royalty Habsburg Family Royal haplogroup:  R1b1a1b1a1a2b 1 MATCH! Subclade distance: 1 Clan Hay William II de Haya (1160) Royal haplogroup:  R1b1a1b1a1a2b 1a MATCH! Subclade distance: 2 House of De La Pole William de la Pole (1290-1366) Royal haplogroup:  R1b1a1b1a1a2b 2 MATCH! Subclade distance: 1 Clan Strange Home le Estraunge (1255) Thomas de Strang (1340) Roya...

Just an Iberian girl claiming back her ancestry spanning over 400 years of suffered loss.

Image   The Papal Bull of 1455 justified the expansion of (black) African slavery within early Iberian colonies, and the acquisition of more African captives and territory West Africa and West Central Africa. Notably, the treatment of “black Gentiles” was addressed in 1452 and 1455, when  Pope Nicolas V  issued a series of  papal bulls  that granted Portugal the right to enslave sub-Saharan Africans. Church leaders argued that slavery served as a natural deterrent and Christianize influence to “barbarous” behavior among pagans. Using this logic, the Pope issued a mandate to the Portuguese king, Alfonso V, and instructed him:        . . . to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and  pagans whatsoever …[and] to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his succe...